I’d be writing if not for the dog barking….

A lot of people think of the coast as sunny and warm, but people in the pacific northwest see a much darker image in their minds.

I have been spending the weekend writing. Or trying to write. I think my neighbors must be away for the weekend and left their dogs behind, because the barking has been non-stop. I would like to throw my wish out into the universe. I want to be able to live and write on a piece of property big enough so that I don’t see my neighbors at all, and cannot hear what they are doing. I don’t blame the dog, I blame the owners.

I’ve taken to writing in my master bedroom in a chair I found on clearance with a non-matching ottoman that I also found on clearance. They had both been returned, but it gave my thrifty heart a little thrill to find a club chair that matches my bedroom colors that is comfortable and fits for pretty cheap. And I was able to put them together without help from anyone.

Have you ever participated in the annual GoodReads challenges? This year, I signed up for the first time ever. And inspired by a new friend from my publishing company signed up with a goal of 400 book! Which seems insurmountable. But probably doable. 365 of them could come from the facebook page, Thrills and Chills Book Club (@thrillsandchillsbc) which offers a daily free book. Its also part of my publishing house’s initiatives. To all the authors out there giving free books, I greatly thank you. My husband would die if we paid for 400 books out of pocket.

My personal book goals this year is to get at least two books published for my shared series with author PK Anderson and publish two of my own, in the cozy mystery series Ive been working on. Wish me luck! ~ Angel Darkraven

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