Looking forward to 2021

We are almost to the new year!

I for one am going to be glad to look 2020 in the rear view mirror, but I also realized that I was finally able to follow my dreams of being a published writer. I am so lucky to have signed on with Columbia Gorge Publishing LLC and to partner with Author PK Anderson on our series, “The Spirits of Deep Woods Valley”.

I also have big plans for my own supernatural series, but find I’m not so good at multi-tasking. I’ve always loved the idea that shifters, supernaturals and witches could be among us and we would not know. I want to write about that. I am a huge fan of all authors who can tell those stories.

If I could encourage one thing, it is take that leap to following your dreams. You may not be successful right away. You may find that your dream is really quite different than you originally thought. Most likely you will find that it takes a lot of hard work. But all of that brings you joy. And isn’t that better than just not taking the leap?

~ Angel Darkraven

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